04 feb. 2021 — 30 jun. 2021 Extended until 20 sept. 2021
Andamento lento
Luca Anzani
The photographs in this exhibition were taken in Naples and printed by the artist between 2012 and 2020.
“I’ve always taken photos nearly exclusively for myself. What I love the most is just the material work of the photography, here’s why I mainly use film with traditional and historical equipment and techniques such as the view camera, medium format, pinhole, cyanotype, solarization. My photographic research has always aimed to experimentation; I often use disused equipment because I’m interested in working with means which are no longer necessarily useful, and very often I use them in a completely wrong way. Amartema is a work born just from the use of supports that had to be thrown away, and from the research of all the papers that were no longer in production and that I had never seen. And then I tried to understand what happened, what kind of results were produced changing the proportions of the chemical formulas. Many trials and many errors, this is what I’m interested in” (L.A.). Differently from verbal language, the photographic image cannot lie. You see what has been, indubitably. But how to recognize what has been, if what one sees is always dissimilar to itself? Amartema provokes the spectator in this competition, showing that the truth does not necessarily coincide with the real, but rather explodes in multiple and unpredictable oversights, which allow us to go through it, even if we don’t focus on it.